After the penal code of 97 years of our country was promulgated, its 20th Section third establishment of commit crime to violence infinite to defend the power, became the focus of the controversy once. 我国97年刑法颁布以后,其二十条第三款所确立的针对暴力性犯罪的无限防卫权,一度成为争议的焦点。
In order that the articles of the penal code accord with objective reality, Article 267, Section 2 of the Penal Code should be revised. 为使刑法条文符合客观实际,应对《刑法》第267条第2款进行修改。
The second part, inquiried into the our country in penal code a Section rule of "violence crime" of object problem. 第二部分,探讨了我国刑法第20条第3款中规定的暴力犯罪的对象问题。
Therefore, I propose the general provisions in the Penal Code criminal law provision which should be after the addition of a section 21 on the self-help acts. 笔者建议刑法条文应在刑法总则第21条后增设一条关于自救行为的规定。
If the Penal Code instability, people of predictability is bound to lower the Criminal Section II discusses one-way mode. 如果刑法典不稳定,那么人们对行为的预测性势必会降低;目前我国立法模式恰恰暴露出这一问题。所以有必要对刑法典的经典性重新确立。第二节论述了单行刑法模式。
China is no exception, and in 1997 additional amendments to the Penal Code devotes a special section of environmental crime, but still there are loopholes. 我国也不例外,在1997年刑法修订时增设专节规定环境犯罪,可是还是存在着漏洞。